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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The 5 Advantages and 5 Disadvantages of Solar Energy

The 5 Advantages and 5 Disadvantages of Solar Energy

When you use a particular thing you may find some good and bad things about it. Every thing has a positive and negative aspect on our life. The same way solar energy also has its few advantages and disadvantages. Though it is thought to be a life saving energy, it does have a few negative aspects to it, which if carefully tackled, can be easily diminished. Below are some advantages and disadvantages of solar energy.

The Advantages of solar energy

1. No pollution: One of the best things about solar energy is that it creates no pollution while in work. The pollution only comes out when it is manufactured in the industries for installation or transportation of the goods. The solar panels require quite an amount of work and manufacturing and this is one aspect where this product causes pollution problems.

2. Quiet Electricity: Another advantage of solar energy is that they are not noisy while producing solar energy. Other electricity suppliers might be noisy and create a lot of disturbance but solar energy produces quiet electricity.

3. Harness Electricity: We can also produce solar energy on such locations, which are not connected to the grid. That means they can be used even to the places where there is no connection given. There is no need to build huge grids if the area has strong sunlight energy, however for areas that have a low level of sunlight, a grid may be required to preserve energy.

4. Providing Light In A Large Area: Another advantage of solar energy is that it can provide light even if it is used on a large place. Which helps everyone in placing lights wherever they want.

5. Cost Effective: Yes. Producing solar energy can be cost effective. They provide you with a free source of electricity and will last for years. You will have to invest initially but It’s Okay to invest in an expense that will give you a budgeted bill or no bill at all for 10, 20 years on right?

The Disadvantages of solar energy

1. Initial Cost: Solar energy can be used for years but its initial cost can be very costly for you. Presently, the prices have raised to $1000. Affording so many solar energy panels could be difficult as a huge house would require a complex setup of solar panels to divert the sunlight for the respective use. Due to this initial price, people are reluctant to invest in this method of energy, and are ignoring the future money that it could be saving you.

2.Affect Of the Weather: The weather has a great affect on the solar energy as the battery works by taking help from the sunrays. Any change in the weather can sometimes not allow you to use solar energy. If your area is snowy and often rains, then it would be a very unlikely task to use solar energy.

3.Daylight Energy: This is the biggest and the worse disadvantage. Solar lights can only be produced during daytime. They cannot be produced during night. This means that you are only able to use it for half day. However, the solution to this also lies in having grids installed at various places.

4.Polluting: Another disadvantage of solar energy is that it releases a lot of pollution. It’s a bad idea for those who are living in a busy place and can affect the business or the industries by polluting their places.

5.Inefficiency: Currently, most solar panels have a 40% efficiency rate.That means that 60% of the potential energy from the sun is not harnessed. Some higher-tech, advanced solar panels have increased efficiency of up to 80%.Each year, more technological advancements are announced, however, that increase efficiency and decrease cost.

If you are considering using solar energy as a source of electricity you should be careful in planning and do your homework on the subject. Solar energy is a good source of energy but you it has it’s disadvantages as you can see, but it is also possible to minimize the disadvantages using the right tactics. There are many DO-IT-YOURSELF guides that teach and show people how to build homemade electric generators that produce free electricity.

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